Our Mission
At Riverlawn Presbyterian we believe that we have a mission to both our local community as well as a global outreach. We want to provide a place where people can encounter Jesus Christ. Riverlawn feels called to minister to families and children in our community. We partner with several mission organizations that spread the love of Christ throughout the world. Two such groups are Global Lead and Open Arms Foundation.
Global Lead exists to equip youth leaders internationally through the long-term strategy of seminars, seminar follow-up, development of national trainers and worldwide multiplication. Youth leaders are trained throughout the world and the ministry has established churches in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Global Lead was launched by Chris Davis, former youth minister at Riverlawn, in 1997. More information can be found at
Open Arms Foundation began in 1991 as a ministry to meet the needs of street children of Medellin, Colombia, South America. Founders were Bill and Wanda Perrow. In 1994, the boys´ farm (home) was opened in San Pedro, which is about one hour outside of Medellin. Since its beginning in 1991 the ministry has grown and now includes a home for sexually exploited girls as well as a home for pregnant teens. Additional information is at www.openarmsfoundation.com.