Music Ministry

Music is a very important part of our ministry and worship experience. We consider our music program to be one of the highlights of our worship experience. If you love contemporary praise music as well as the classic hymns, then Riverlawn is the place to be!
Pam Johnson has served as Music Director for 29 years with duties including directing the Adult Choir, Handbell Quartet and providing organ & piano music for our 10:30 worship services as well as pianist for the Praise Band.
ADULT CHOIR This choir provides music for the 10:30 am worship service each week as well as music for special occasions such as Christmas and Easter cantatas. They rehearse on Thursday evenings. The choir is open to adults (high school age and older). No auditions are required; just a love of singing for the Lord.
PRAISE BAND The Praise Band plays occasionally at the 10:30 worship service. The band includes guitar, drums, bass, piano & vocalists. They lead us in contemporary praise songs as well as traditional hymns.
LAWN BOYS & LAWN LADIES The Lawn Boys & Lawn Ladies are ensembles that provide music for special programs both at Riverlawn and various churches in the area. The Lawn Boys sing mainly southern gospel style and the Lawn Ladies perform a variety of styles including hymn arrangements and contemporary Christian tunes.
For any questions about Riverlawn’s Music Department please contact Pam Johnson at or 304 722-2772. There is also additional Music Department news available by viewing our “Newsletter” link.